Friday, August 21, 2009

Past and Present

I have a friend who has been laboring over organizing old family pictures to put in an album so people will know who they were later (even though no one knows who most of them are now). Her sister was visiting one day when she was doing that and trying to help, but then said,

"you know mother was our age once and had all the time in the world to do this and figure out who these people were but did she? .... she just sat around and went out to eat and on cruises....They both burst out laughing."

Way back in this blog, I started talking about family so some of the information would be available to future generations, then I got....sidetracked with my own life. I'll get back to it again and add to family stories, but some of us could get obsessive about that sort of thing. I will live my life and reflect on that as the mood hits me. This will continue to randomly cover past and present.

By the way, my life has been getting back into the swing of school and all that is involved in organizing info for 40-50 students at 6 locations (down from 60 at 10 last year). I also have decided to treat myself to thorough housecleaning 2 times a month. Let's face it--even when I'm home thorough housecleaning does not happen near that often. I have been asked to review a chapter about Response to intervention in a college text this month as well. Our Marian Educational Outreach Board had a wonderful meeting last night, and I am so excited about the Differentiated Instruction and training going on in the Catholic Schools, which I love serving. I will also become a CASA (Court appointed special advocate) volunteer and train in either Sept or January, although I will start attending monthly in-service meetings. Early Childhood Development Coalition Literacy and Family Involvement committees continue to do great things to move the cause forward. Meetings have not recently been when I could attend, but I hope to get back into it soon. I just got our church shut in list updated with contact members and will have 1 or 2 co-chairs to brain storm with on new ideas.

Anyway, that is why I haven't posted about family, food, or fun lately.

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