Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cow update

Monday morning I found 2 calves standing in my front landscaped garden on the Christmas light sidewalk edging eating my Japanese Maple and/or the lights on it. I decided I needed to call the neighbors/owners. The answer machine was on so I left a kind (almost apologetic) message letting them know about several things I thought they might not be, but would like to be aware of about the cows and their adventures. I did get a very apologetic call back from the Mr. He says he has never had this much trouble and he plans to go ahead and ween the calves, which will put them in a inner pin where they cannot escape. He also warned us that mom would be mooing loudly and non-stop for them night and day (pain or missing them?). Thank heavens we sleep with a loud fan. As I was in the other part of the house in the middle of the night last night, I realized her mooing would be hard to ignore and sleep through. I hope their owners also sleep with a loud fan.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Well, the cows are losing their charm. I'm preparing to change my vote from phone # on their sides to electric fence. I walked into my office yesterday and caught the vision of the mother cow out of the corner of my eye. She was 2-3 feet from the guest bedroom window--right next to the front door and porch. I used to joke about the song "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" because of deer running around out here, but a 5 hundred + pound cow is even less appealing. I have seen them all romp and play, so I know they can run.....and I don't want to be in their way when they do. I had visions of myself having walked out the front door, being startle with a scream, and her running me down as she headed in the direction of her home.

I decided we needed to start discouraging them, so I opened the window, clapped my hands, and said go home--in a loud scary voice. You know from previous posts that the ducks and squirrels are not very afraid of me when I try to discourage them from the bird feeders. Apparently, she was not very intimidated either and just sort of looked at me. I wasn't sure if I should be scared of her. I said to Stan last week when the little male just stood his ground and stared, "cows aren't aggressive, are they?". He said, "Have you seen a bull fight?" Anyway, she did finally meander down toward the lake, collected her 4 calves, and headed to the opening in the woods where they generally go home. I opened my back window, clapped, and said "go home" again to encourage their movement. They stopped, there was apparently a time delay,and all of the sudden they started stampeding in the opposite direction across the damn, and over the hill. There are woods on both sides of the other lake over there behind ours and two large houses.

I could not tell where they went until I saw in the distance 3 of the four of them still in stampede mode running in front of one of those house--probably close to the road in the direction of their house. There are children and dogs over there and I could here what may have been several neighbors and the owners yelling. Hopefully no one was injured.

The next thing I could hear was the most pitiful and loud bauling from one of the calves who had apparently gone right when everyone else finally got their bearings and went left. I was afraid he/she may have gotten hit by a car , it was so loud and pitiful. Then mom and siblings started mooing loudly back to give some direction I suppose. A few minutes later, I saw this last lost calf go running through the same yards and the children yelling again. Again, I hope no one was hurt.

Although for a city girl, seeing cows this close was fun at first, I'm not so much for being part of this free range cattle ranch anymore and am changing my vote. In the meantime, anyone have any cow repellent ideas?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

They're back !

They have actually been over several times this week, but I had a chance to take more pictures today. When we herd them toward home, Maggie is getting pretty good at keeping them on the path in the right direction. We headed them toward home twice today,and the neighbors did once. Perhaps the phone number on their side is not a bad idea since they are starting to wander farther. They do have the pull of mom when they get hungry to keep them from going to far for too long.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We have had several ununusual animal adventures. In our first house, the neighbors had llamas, and they would occasionally be standing in the middle of the road when you rounded our corner. At that same house, we went out one morning to go to church and our dog (Strider, at the time) went crazy barking at a MONKEY in our tree. We lived quite close (walking distance) to our zoo, so that was the first call I made. It wasn't theirs, but they were aware of someone close by that had a pet monkey that often got lose. I called, but by then the monkey had taken off. I don't know if they ever reunited.

This was the view out our bedroom window when we woke (or I woke and then woke Stan) on Saturday m0rning. I first saw just one calf, then another, then mom, then another calf. We both grabbed phones. I took pictures and Stan took a video. In the video, he captured mom, with her back to us, turning her head and staring right at us for a while and then trotting off--one calf following. The others grazed at the edge of the woods until I went out another door and spooked them.

They live in the pasture through the woods--not very far. This is not their first visit to our yard. Before we built here, we lived next door. (What can I say--we like the neighborhood and neighbors) Anyway, one day I was on the riding more and Stan was pushing as I noticed a cow standing next to the pool. The pool had a substantial pool cover that people could walk on, but cows--not so much. I kept motioning to Stan and mouthing "a cow". Stan's hearing is not so good, and apparently, his lip reading is not so hot either. He thinks I'm saying "an owl", gives me a that's nice look, and moves on. Finally though, he sees him/her too. He gets off and shoos him toward home.
The owners say they can't keep them in the fence and are very apologetic, but I don't mind their occasional visit. One calf was in our woods this morning as Maggie and I walked. He didn't mind us walking 4-5 feet from him on our path and Maggie just sort of stopped and looked a couple of times. Of course, she and Darby ( much more adventurous when together) have been over in the cow pasture a few times, so she couldn't convince me she had never seen one of these before.
The owner visited for a bit last night. He says they are considering an electric fence. I sort of prefer his wife's suggestion on the phone that they just paint their phone numbers on all of them.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Past and Present

I have a friend who has been laboring over organizing old family pictures to put in an album so people will know who they were later (even though no one knows who most of them are now). Her sister was visiting one day when she was doing that and trying to help, but then said,

"you know mother was our age once and had all the time in the world to do this and figure out who these people were but did she? .... she just sat around and went out to eat and on cruises....They both burst out laughing."

Way back in this blog, I started talking about family so some of the information would be available to future generations, then I got....sidetracked with my own life. I'll get back to it again and add to family stories, but some of us could get obsessive about that sort of thing. I will live my life and reflect on that as the mood hits me. This will continue to randomly cover past and present.

By the way, my life has been getting back into the swing of school and all that is involved in organizing info for 40-50 students at 6 locations (down from 60 at 10 last year). I also have decided to treat myself to thorough housecleaning 2 times a month. Let's face it--even when I'm home thorough housecleaning does not happen near that often. I have been asked to review a chapter about Response to intervention in a college text this month as well. Our Marian Educational Outreach Board had a wonderful meeting last night, and I am so excited about the Differentiated Instruction and training going on in the Catholic Schools, which I love serving. I will also become a CASA (Court appointed special advocate) volunteer and train in either Sept or January, although I will start attending monthly in-service meetings. Early Childhood Development Coalition Literacy and Family Involvement committees continue to do great things to move the cause forward. Meetings have not recently been when I could attend, but I hope to get back into it soon. I just got our church shut in list updated with contact members and will have 1 or 2 co-chairs to brain storm with on new ideas.

Anyway, that is why I haven't posted about family, food, or fun lately.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Good News!

Our formerly ostracized duck seems to have been accepted back into the fold. I have felt so bad for him all summer. Every time he would get close, one mean duck would chase him away. I had noticed lately that they were allowing him to hang out in closer proximity, and he kept pushing the envelope. The new theory is that weak, sick, or injured ducks are ostracized to protect the blood line in breeding. As it became apparent that this duck was no longer injured, they let him back into the group. I'm so happy for the lonely little guy.

Anyway, they are at it again--the birdfeeder. Perhaps it is good for them to clean the hulls on the ground as they benefit from some of the good whole sunflower seeds. (We have found that all the birds love these).

They think I can't see them.

Running away when they realized I could see them.

Im still have not been able to catch a picture of Bob (short tailed squirrel) and his persistent quest for the hanging birdfeeder. He attempted to remount the bird feeder as I repeatedly chased him away because the rule is squirrels have to eat from the ground. He got it twirling and swinging and had to keep trying from various hilarious poses on the fence to jump in. It was too funny watching to leave to get my camera.

Also, no sign of baby turtles yet. I have thought this would be the best time for them since the moon is full and the reflection on the lake is bright. Supposedly, some beaches where sea turtles hatch instruct residence to turn off outside lights and close curtains so baby turtles don't get confused about what direction they should go.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is not one of the baby turtles we are watching for. It did get your attention though. We spotted turtles laying eggs the last weekend in May, and supposedly incubation and a possible week underground should make us in the window of their possible appearance. I feel quite sure we won't get to witness this, but will keep our eyes open and take photos if we do.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Darby Weekly News

Action photo: runnin' and chasin' with Maggie around the boat

Just playin' and sniffin'

Remember when I wouldn't go in past my legs. Sometimes I swim with only the top of my head and nose out.

Pictures of just my head look like a black blob though.
I hope your having fun, but I bet I'm having more!

The Bounty will be plentiful

Now that school is starting, and I will not have as much time on my hands--I suspect the garden will start producing and be difficult to keep up with.
Here is our first corn on the cob--and plenty more ready to pick. It is delicious corn. It is called SILVER QUEEN and actually more white than yellow in color.
Freezing whole ears (with husk and silks off, of course) is suppose to work very well.
Our first mess of green beans, which to me is as good as candy.

I may have some to freeze since the more you pick the more you get.

It looks we may have tons of cucumbers. Now where is my freezer bread and butter pickle recipe that I used oh so many years ago. I will have to also make some kosher dills.

Oh yeah, and when will I have time for all this with school starting???

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ninth Annual PIG Trip

Six little piggies went to St. Louis.

The seventh piggy had to stay home :(

These little piggies laughed, ate, and shopped.

These little piggies had fun.

Then they went wee, wee, wee all the way home.

Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis

Connie playing the roll of the queen.

Are those PIGS riding on sheep?

It's hard to tell which flowers are the prettiest.

Blueberry Hill

How many PIGS will fit in a photo booth--apparently 5 with only 3 actually showing in the pic.

Rooftop at our hotel

And after that, Debbi can win the backbend contest

Historic St. Charles, Mo.

Cindy peeks out from under chairs and packages in the third seat

after a day shopping with Carol, Deb, and Marcy more comfortable.

Pi (the math sign, not the food) Pizza in Delmar in the Loop

Marcy thinking we might need these since

we might not be able to fit everything and everyone in the car

to announce the location of trip number 10 in 2010, let's review

Years 1, 2, and 3 in Nashville, Tennessee with side trips to Franklin and lots of shopping

Years 4, 5, and 6 in Chicago, Illinois right along Michigan Avenue including a train ride to Michigan City to shop at an outlet mall the first year and some went to plays every year.

Years 7 and 8 in St. Charles, Illinois at the historic Baker Hotel providing transportation to all locations including the train station for a short ride to Chicago for the day and to the Outlet Mall in Aurora for good shopping. Notice the common thread here?

Year 9 was this year to St. Louis with trips to the Missouri Botanical Gardens, Historical St. Charles (we are considering doing a tour of cities named St. Charles since the 2 we have been to have been very nice), and surely you can


The tentative plan for year 10 will be a return to St. Charles, Illinois with a train ride into Chicago for a day and a trip to the Aurora outlet mall. All our trips have been fun filled and full of laughter, but the serenity of the Baker Hotel with its lovely outdoor dining and convenient transportation provided by Lee bring very relaxing times. Add the outstanding Outlet Shopping, and easy transport into Chicago for a day, and you have reason for a repeat visit.

Year 11 will be decided later, but year 12 may be NYC to celebrate a milestone birthday

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Darby Daily News

Helping Maggie find the annoying horse fly. We are not horses. Well, maybe Maggie is.
The Darby Daily News will be published 2-3 days a week now due to budget restraints. The editor will be on a 4 day leave and the editor of audio media will be taking over news during that time. (Translation: your daddy will report over the phone)

The fight is on

I'm winning!

and now we are really tired

and Maggie makes a really nice pillow!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Darby Daily News

Me in the Land of No Leashes called Grandma's and Grandpa's

And they had steak for dinner. Yummy!

The Chase is on.

And we really didn't hear the "no" when we headed toward to water to cool off.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Darby Daily News

As we are taking care of our daughter's dog while she attends training in Michigan, I will post the Darby Daily News (well, it may not be daily). The co-star in the pictures is our Maggie. Here are today's pictures:

Hi, mom. I got a belly rub for posing so cute here.

Our sniff walk on the way to see the chickens.

Snack time

My Adopted Family--expanded by a sidetrack years ago

I have an extended family that became that way through another sidetrack. I started out making a very good friend in high school, who became a college roommate for the year we were away at the same school, then we were in each others' weddings, and we are godparents to their son (our church did not do godparents, or they would have served that role for us too). It turns out that her husband and mine also hit it off immediately and are good friends. She is also an only child like I am, so I have often felt we are sort of like sisters. I even expect that I get on her nerves like a sister occasionally does, but she still loves me. Our family has almost always been able to drop in on at least part of their holiday celebrations, so we have known the whole family for many years.

Over 25 years ago, we got a phone call from this friend's sister-in-law (sister of her husband). They were wanting to buy the house 4 doors down from where they currently lived and wondered if we might want to buy their house. We had not really thought about moving, but they did have a swimming pool--very appealing. It turns out my uncle was there real estate agent, but I don't recall who suggested they call us. We did some quick looking at other properties to compare, some quick thinking, some quick math, and decided to make the move.

As a result of this move, we became neighbors and developed a very close friendship with who I had previously just thought of as the sister-in-law and her husband. We also became the godparents of their daughter. We may have never gotten to know them so well without spending so many years in this close proximity, having almost daily contact.

Another gain in this new neighborhood was a couple about my parents' ages who became an extra set of grandparents for our kids and became family and friends to my parents, aunts, and uncles as they got to know them at our holiday gatherings. They are the crossovers that attend both our family get-togethers.

This completely unplanned, sidetracking move, blessed us with wonderful new lifelong friends and relationships. Our kids grew up playing together and still keep in touch to differing degrees. It is a joy to get to spend time with the kids since they are all out of town now. This past weekend, we got to see some of them. It is a fun time right now because one of the girls just had a baby and 2 are due in the next 7 weeks to 4 months. I love these people and am also so thankful to all the things that brought us all together. It is probably unusual to be close friends with all the siblings and in-laws in a family. It is fun to see in retrospect what blessings occurred because of being sidetracked from our own original plan.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Final Recipe Report--for now

I was all ready to make the french breakfast puffs for a lunch/brunch when I saw this new recipe post:

and the site where Pioneer Woman reviewed it and added her photographs as she made it.

It was delicious. I think better than the chocolate cake. Those of you who know me, know I am a fan of most all chocolates. Substituting carrots for the zucchini turns it into an awesome carrot cake. I have to admit that I bought Cream Cheese Frosting. Traveling with the cake made it seem more sensible to frost after arrival, and time was a factor.

My daughter reported the lemon baked pasta to be worthy of adding to the meal rotation, but that flavors blended and softened the lemon taste the next day.

She also made apple dumplings and my husband said they were one of the best things he had ever had. I had heard of this recipe before--uses Mountain Dew, so you know it has to be good. They are also quite easy.

For dinner, I modified the barbq into a meatloaf recipe (see earlier post) and made the creamy mashed potatoes.

Can you tell what the secret ingredient is? Don't tell my husband. This is made for holidays--5 lbs of potatoes and can be refirgerated for 2 days and warmed in the oven. (Double check what she says on that) Smashed taters are labor intensive and mess making when you have company arriving, so it is appealing to me to do them this way. I doubt my husband will have any of it though because it is not the way we always do it.

He liked both the meatloaf and potatoes and had seconds. This meatloaf modification was from the same meatballs he said were appetizers instead of a main course. I guess its all in the presentation.

With school starting soon, this will probably be the last multiple report on recipes. As I try something from time to time, I will let you know how it is. This was one of my summer projects. The sewing I never got back too, but here is the one dress I made.