Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Darby Daily News

Helping Maggie find the annoying horse fly. We are not horses. Well, maybe Maggie is.
The Darby Daily News will be published 2-3 days a week now due to budget restraints. The editor will be on a 4 day leave and the editor of audio media will be taking over news during that time. (Translation: your daddy will report over the phone)

The fight is on

I'm winning!

and now we are really tired

and Maggie makes a really nice pillow!


  1. Oh no. Darby with her head on Maggie, that is so cute.

    And I'm sorry to hear that budget cuts have hit the Darby Daily News.

  2. well, certainly appreciate what is being done by the DDN...THANK YOU!! and darby and maggie are too stinking cute :-) thanks mom.
