Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Squawks from the Hawk

When Maggie (our lab) and I took our morning walk in the woods, I soon heard a hawk squawking.

It was darting from tree to tree, very upset.

I realized I was getting closer and had taken my camera that morning. I felt lucky to get this shot at all even though it was only a 6.1 megapixels point and shoot.

I suspect this may have been a female and the nest (which we had seen before the trees leaved out) may have had baby hawks. I will have to keep an eye out for them--along with the 2 turtle layings we will be watching for during the first half of August.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're posting so many pictures. It's fun!

    I am not sure what a hawk squawk sounds like. Is it similar to my pterodactyl impression?
