and the site where Pioneer Woman reviewed it and added her photographs as she made it.
It was delicious. I think better than the chocolate cake. Those of you who know me, know I am a fan of most all chocolates. Substituting carrots for the zucchini turns it into an awesome carrot cake. I have to admit that I bought Cream Cheese Frosting. Traveling with the cake made it seem more sensible to frost after arrival, and time was a factor.

My daughter reported the lemon baked pasta to be worthy of adding to the meal rotation, but that flavors blended and softened the lemon taste the next day.

She also made apple dumplings and my husband said they were one of the best things he had ever had. I had heard of this recipe before--uses Mountain Dew, so you know it has to be good. They are also quite easy.
For dinner, I modified the barbq into a meatloaf recipe (see earlier post) and made the creamy mashed potatoes.

Can you tell what the secret ingredient is? Don't tell my husband. This is made for holidays--5 lbs of potatoes and can be refirgerated for 2 days and warmed in the oven. (Double check what she says on that) Smashed taters are labor intensive and mess making when you have company arriving, so it is appealing to me to do them this way. I doubt my husband will have any of it though because it is not the way we always do it.
He liked both the meatloaf and potatoes and had seconds. This meatloaf modification was from the same meatballs he said were appetizers instead of a main course. I guess its all in the presentation.
With school starting soon, this will probably be the last multiple report on recipes. As I try something from time to time, I will let you know how it is. This was one of my summer projects. The sewing I never got back too, but here is the one dress I made.

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