No, not the farm animal variety discussed in the previous post. This is the nickname established for my group of high school friends since our get togethers revolved around eating. There were originally 8, but when one moved early on, we became 7. We have met on a regular basis for over 30 years. First it was several times a year, haphazardly arranged. Next we moved to eating out every other month. As our kids were old enough to transport themselves, we decided to go to every 3rd Wednesday, so we could establish our dinner dates as a previous engagement over non-family needs.
We have been together through marriages, broken hearts, amazing successes, difficult illnesses and life changes, children's births and marriages, losses of loved ones, becoming grandparents, and most other life possibilities. We have discovered the power of "piggy prayer" to sustain each other through difficulties and to also express thanks for good things each is experiencing. We can be the wind beneath each other's wings. Who says PIGS don't fly. I have seen them--literally and figuratively.

This will be our 9th year to do a 4 day trip in the summer together. The first 3 years were to Nashville with a day trip to Franklin. Then we moved on to the windy city, Chicago, for 3 years. The last 2 were to St. Charles, IL which is on the train route to Chicago for a daytrip, but has the charm of a quaint small town and a sweet driver for the hotel named Lee, who took us wherever we wanted to go. This summer was originally to be to New York City. It turns out that grandchild number 8 and 9 for the group are expected shortly after dates for the trip, so we decided to stay closer to home and go to St. Louis. These trips are full of some deep discussion, but mostly LOTS of LAUGHTER. I am so blessed to have these ladies.
I really hope I'm lucky enough to find some 'pigs' of my own!!! :-)