This picture turned out better than I expected. It shows the group of ducks in the forefront and the injured drake I referred to in City Girl--part 2. It seems the situation is more complicated than it originally appeared. Our neighbors (actual duck owners) indicate he seems to be fine now, and I had noticed that he seemed to walk all over the place and get in and out of the water to swim with ease. He has spent most time alone on this far bank while the rest of the group continues to travel in a pack. We have recently noticed that when he goes near the group that he is chased away by mostly one particular duck (identifiable by large white marking on neck and part of head). Since this group is male heavy in its numbers, we are wondering if this is the result of an unsuccessful challenge to be "head duck". Perhaps that is even how the injury was received. I had not realized how prolific ducks are until I had a wide screen TV on their antics. It seems that the females are at a premium, if you get my drift.
There is hope that he may not live a life of solitude. There is one duck who occasionally comes over from the group to visit and go for a swim. I would assume it is a female. The neighbor says he may be starting his own harem. I will have to check out duck info to see if we are right in our assumptions. Many females are attracted to loners, and perhaps he has found the girl that is right for him. You go Drake!
It's Forrest and Jenny!
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